Free and Total Chlorine and Sulphate Testing
Test Sachets, Tablets, Dispensers, and Vials
Order Codes
Aquafast Free Chlorine Tests. Pack of 100: AC4P71​​
Aquafast Total Chlorine Tests. Pack of 100: AC4P72​
Aquafast II Sulphate Tests. Pack of 100: AC2082​
Free/Total Chlorine Dispenser & Test Vials x1 (250 Tests): AQ250F​
Free/Total Chlorine Dispenser & Test Vials x5 (1250 Tests): AQ250F-5​
Test Vial for Dispenser x1 (250 Tests): AC71P2​
Aquafast IV AQ4000 Colorimiter: AQ4000​
Aquafast Field AQ3170 Colorimiter: AQ3170
Pack of 4 Colorimeter Test Vials (Empty): ECCUVKIT
Free and Total Chlorine Test Sachets
Our Free and Total Chlorine Tests powder sachets come pre-measured for your convenience, ensuring precision every time. Simply add the sachet to your sample stir gently. Let the solution stand for a few minutes, then observe any colour changes against the provided charts or using our Colourimeter AQ4000 or AQ3170.
Free / Total Chlorine Dispenser & Test Vials
Thermo Scientific™ AQUAfast Free and Total Chlorine Bulk DPD Powder Dispensers and Vials are designed for high volume testing of residual chlorine in water samples. The powders dissolve quickly in the solution and are easy to mix. Each vial contains 250 counts of DPD reagent and is available for free chlorine or total chlorine analysis in the lab or field.
Measure 0.02 to 2.00 mg/L (ppm) free chlorine or total chlorine
Bulk powder dispensers are designed for high sample throughput – reduces the cost per test and minimizes waste compared with individually packaged reagents
Equivalent to other widely used and recognized chemistries including AQUAfast AC4P71 free chlorine and AQUAfast AC4P72 total chlorine powder packs.
Compatible with AQ4000 and AQ3170 colorimeters.
Sulphate Test Tablets
In addition to free and total chlorine testing Astles also supplies packs of Sulphate test tablets that can be used with our AQ4000 colorimeters. Each pack contains 100 tablets to ensure easy and consistent ratios for testing.